Every member and his specified family members can avail free “Out Patient medical treatment” under tie up arrangement entered into by the society with “Shankar eye Hospital” Shivamogga. If underwent surgery or purchase spectacle, can avail 10% special rebate facility
Cash incentives up to ` Rs. 2,500/- for members children who score highest marks in S.S.L.C & P.U.C exams and ` Rs. 3,000/- for score highest marks in graduation & Post Graduation and also` Rs. 2,000/- to those who score highest marks in each batch of GDC training. Such cash incentives will be given every year totally to 115 students.
In 2021-22 48 students awarded Rs 1, 27,000.00. This year also there is an opportunity to apply for the Cash incentives within 30th November.
Funeral fund
Members who does Areca transaction continuously for the last 3 years or continuously for the last 3 years including the current year, if demise will be paid financial assistance of ` 5,000/- for the funeral ceremony to their nominee/legal heir.
Note:- For more details please contact Head office, Nearest branch or Agency.